New York State of Mind

photo(36)Hello my Spice Girls (Guys!), It’s been a hectic semester. It never seems to end as I am now doing my internship in New York City. I absolutely love it. The downside is getting home to New Jersey, the bus route is an hour and a half and the buses are unreliable.  I am interning at Mastoloni Pearls as their PR/Marketing Intern.  Everyone is the sweetest and I can’t complain about the location.  It’s right by 5th Avenue! Plus, it’s where all the businessmen are…so I do some sight seeing on my breaks (;D).

It’s was unbearably humid today and being self conscious about my arms led me to literally sweat it out into my blazer.  The good/bad thing is that I have to dress professional. Good because I love to dress up, bad because it’s difficult for a plus size girl like myself to find anything that is flattering and youthful that is dressy enough to wear.  It’s very difficult to find some great dresses as well. I will just have to keep my eyes peeled for the perfect pieces for my closet.

The city in the summer is wonderful. The sun is shining, the city is buzzing, and there is always some Fro-yo around the corner, Yum! If you ever have the opportunity to go to the city or intern in New York, do it! You will really get the feel for the culture and honestly, I just love looking at everyone’s outfits.  Not one is the same!

Today, however, was exhausting. I got locked out of my house and had to go to my fathers place of employment to get his key and take the bus back.  What I found waiting for me at home was exciting, my first month of Ipsy! I am thrilled with what I recieved and will make it my duty to give you some reviews and photos of what I got!

Tips to Land a Summer Internship


(Photo Courtesy of

Ah, summer..the sun is shining and university is finally done for the semester..but no break for you! You need to get an internship to gain valuable experience in the field of your choice whether it be Fashion, Finance, or Medical.  Summer is the time where the competition gets tough, you are not the only school that is out for the summer, so chances are you will be competing with people from other states and countries.  Here are ways to make you stand out and land that internship!

1. Resume

Your resume is key to getting your internship, it’s you but on paper.  Please limit your resume to 1 page, it isn’t an essay.  If your experience passes one page (Which is great!) cut it down to the experience that will most likely match the requirements of the internship.  If you want to intern for social media and you have a soccer coach position on it, it is just taking up valuable space.  Bullet points are a great way for an employer to scan your resume without having to jump into all your wordiness. Keep it short, sweet, but informative.

2. Dress to Impress

You may not care how you look like to others, but you have to look just as good as you do on paper.  We would all rather be wearing some comfy lounge-wear but please leave the jeans at home.  Invest in some great basics pieces that can we dressed up or down.  If you are planning to enter finance or business, invest in a great skirt suit (ladies) or suit (guys).  It’s better to be overdressed than underdressed, trust me.  You never want to show up at an interview in jeans (not even a fashion interview!)

3. Research!

Put your research skills to the test! Research the ins and outs of the company you want to intern for or interviewing for.  Try to think of compelling questions that really showcase that you did you part of the bargain.  They want to find the best match for their company and you want to show them that you really care.  Don’t show up to an interview knowing nothing about the company, be prepared. (Trust me, it won’t end well and you will be kicking yourself in the head).

4. Portfolio

A portfolio in addition to your resume and references will edge out all the competition.  I have a portfolio full of my best writing, styling, and work samples.  Just like how a presenter would use a visual aid to reel in the audience’s attention, the portfolio will do the same.  It will impress them for sure!

5. Confidence

Yes, interviews are intimidating and nerve-wracking but keep your head high and breath deeply.  They will soon become second nature to you and you can only learn from your mistakes.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions or give the interview the best you can.  If they sense your confidence and willingness to face challenges, they will very much consider you.

The competition is stiff, even in the summer. If you don’t manage to land one this summer don’t be afraid to try Fall/Winter or Spring internships. Good luck!