Interview with Daniel W. Koch: Published Author at 20



Hello Spice Girls & Guys,
I had the pleasure of interviewing a young author who I found to be both inspiring and interesting!  I always love it when I find a diamond in the rough.  In this day and age, not many children are reading or find themselves inspired by writing.  Daniel managed to publish four books..all on his own.  I also was thoroughly pleased to find that we both had several similar tastes in shows and books, which made it all more exciting! If you want to read the interview and get into contact with Daniel, read on.  He is truly something! If you want some great summer books to read, I would recommend checking out his books, which are available on  Thank you Daniel! Continue reading

What I learned in My First 2 Years of College


I’ve decided to do a different kind of post today.  As I was walking/ wobbling down Madison Avenue today in my drenched flats, I was thinking about everything I learned in my first 2 years of university.  It’s been a whirlwind and I honestly can’t believe that when September arrives, I will be a junior at Montclair State University.  I am slowly finding myself but I know I am nowhere near knowing who I am and it’s ok, I will be sure of who I am in the next few years.

I switched my major and minor a few times.  I had enrolled as a Biology major to please my parents and I had thought I wanted to be a Physical Therapist. I stink at Mathematics and Chemistry, I did love Biology, but all those math classes and labs were going to be the death of me.  I switched right before school began to an English Major.  I’ve always been an avid reader and writer, but after getting terrible grades on my papers, thanks to a certain professor, my confidence was thrown out a window.  I finally decided to take a plunge and take an artistic route.  I’ve never been artistic but I was a shopaholic and could appreciate clothing.  I became a Fashion Studies Major.  I then added on a Communications Minor and a year later, I added on a Makeup Artistry Certification.

It’s okay to not know what you want to do right away.  Go into college undecided and take a few courses.  You will soon realize what you love or hate and it will be much easier to decide what you want to make you major.  Another great way, is to talk to your friends or advisor.
You should try to make friends.  It has been difficult for me to make friends as a commuter.  I go to school and then head home.  I do not have my own car yet as I do not have the funds, so I am often picked up by my father.  I wish I could be able to take a bus but since my school is in the middle of nowhere, it would take 3 buses and 5 hours. That’s like me going to another state!  I have made only a few good friends and sadly, one of them has graduated on.  I do plan on keeping in contact but I feel like I am all work and no play.  Try to balance your work, school, and social life.  It may be difficult but it will make everything much more enjoyable.

A great way to make friends is joining a club or organization.  If you don’t want to join a club or organization, then you could try talking to some people in your courses. I can say I don’t have many friends, but all you need is 1 or 2 really good ones!

Multi-tasking.  It’s a life saver.  If I didn’t multi-task, I would get nothing done.  Some might argue that multi-tasking stops you from focusing but I find that it gets everything done.  It’s also great to know how to efficiently prioritize your tasks.  Write them out and do them in the order you think will be best.  This is a great thing to know for future internships or careers.

Responsibility.  I can honestly say that I’ve become much more independent in my life.  As an only child, I’ve always had overprotective parents.  They’ve loosened their reigns a little bit and as a result I have been able to make my own choices.  I’m on internship #3, have a part-time job at Gap, and am a Social Media Director/Writer at Her Campus Montclair.  I’ve been able to work hard and I know they are proud.  I can honestly say I am proud of myself too!

College is what you make of it.  It isn’t all about the classes but it’s about a fair balance of studying, working, socializing, and relaxing.  I will be really sad when I graduate but I do not plan to let my studies stop there. I’ve decided a few months ago that I will get my GPA high enough to get into graduate school for Marketing, PR, or Communications.

If any of you have questions about university or any more questions about my experiences, feel free to comment below.  I would love to offer you my opinion and advice!


Tips to Land a Summer Internship


(Photo Courtesy of

Ah, summer..the sun is shining and university is finally done for the semester..but no break for you! You need to get an internship to gain valuable experience in the field of your choice whether it be Fashion, Finance, or Medical.  Summer is the time where the competition gets tough, you are not the only school that is out for the summer, so chances are you will be competing with people from other states and countries.  Here are ways to make you stand out and land that internship!

1. Resume

Your resume is key to getting your internship, it’s you but on paper.  Please limit your resume to 1 page, it isn’t an essay.  If your experience passes one page (Which is great!) cut it down to the experience that will most likely match the requirements of the internship.  If you want to intern for social media and you have a soccer coach position on it, it is just taking up valuable space.  Bullet points are a great way for an employer to scan your resume without having to jump into all your wordiness. Keep it short, sweet, but informative.

2. Dress to Impress

You may not care how you look like to others, but you have to look just as good as you do on paper.  We would all rather be wearing some comfy lounge-wear but please leave the jeans at home.  Invest in some great basics pieces that can we dressed up or down.  If you are planning to enter finance or business, invest in a great skirt suit (ladies) or suit (guys).  It’s better to be overdressed than underdressed, trust me.  You never want to show up at an interview in jeans (not even a fashion interview!)

3. Research!

Put your research skills to the test! Research the ins and outs of the company you want to intern for or interviewing for.  Try to think of compelling questions that really showcase that you did you part of the bargain.  They want to find the best match for their company and you want to show them that you really care.  Don’t show up to an interview knowing nothing about the company, be prepared. (Trust me, it won’t end well and you will be kicking yourself in the head).

4. Portfolio

A portfolio in addition to your resume and references will edge out all the competition.  I have a portfolio full of my best writing, styling, and work samples.  Just like how a presenter would use a visual aid to reel in the audience’s attention, the portfolio will do the same.  It will impress them for sure!

5. Confidence

Yes, interviews are intimidating and nerve-wracking but keep your head high and breath deeply.  They will soon become second nature to you and you can only learn from your mistakes.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions or give the interview the best you can.  If they sense your confidence and willingness to face challenges, they will very much consider you.

The competition is stiff, even in the summer. If you don’t manage to land one this summer don’t be afraid to try Fall/Winter or Spring internships. Good luck!