Back to School Must Haves

Back to School Must Haves

I don’t want to pop your vacation bliss bubble but September is fast approaching and with September comes back to school shopping.  Here is my must- have back to school list.

  • Calculator: Whether it’s for your math courses or your business courses, it’s always good to have it handy and they can be quite useful.
  • Backpack: We need something to hold all of our books and homework.  There are a variety of bags you can use, such as backpacks, totes, hobos, etc.
Bags & Backpacks
  • Planner: Many say they don’t need a planner but I wholeheartedly recommend it.  It really helps you plan ahead and stay ahead.
  • Writing Utensils: Of course.  You need the quintessential pen or pencil, but if you are in college, why not go a bit more refined? I love having some great pens or pencils, it makes everything much more enjoyable.  I personally like colored pens as I can color coordinate my notes.
  • First-Aid: You never know when you might have an accident or someone else might have a cut.  It’s good to be prepared and have some bandages and antibiotic.
first aid
  • Pad or Tampon Holder (for the ladies): Nothing is more embarrassing then having to hide your tampon or pad in your pocket, shoe, or physically lug your bag to the bathroom.  There are some cute holders to do away with that problem.
pad and tampon holder
  • Tape, Whiteout, and Stapler: For those tears, mistakes, or papers you have to staple together.
  • Boots: The weather is cooling down which means you can finally trade in your flip flops for some lovely leather boots.
  • Cardigans, Hoodies, or Sweaters: Need I say more?
  • Laptop: They say it isn’t mandatory…but it really is.  Get yourself a laptop, it will save you from all the bother of borrowing one from the library. (Don’t forget the cute accessories such as the cases and covers)

Ultrabook Asus C4031H com Intel Core i7 4GB 256GB SSD LED 13,3″ Touch… / VPCEH37FX/P Sony VAIO E Series Pink Laptop Computer / Sony VAIO Pro 13 13.3″ Ultrabook Black (Intel Core i5-4200U 128GB SSD… / Sony 14″ Laptop PC (SVF14212CXB) with Intel Core i3-3227U Processor,…

  • USB: A lifesaver if your computer crashes or is damaged.
  • Notebooks: If typing up notes isn’t your thing, be sure to get yourself a notebook or some loose-leaf to jot them down.
  • Voice Recorder: Some teachers talk way too fast or you look at your notes to see that nothing makes sense.  Get a recorder and ask the professor if you can record their lectures.  You can play them back and write notes to make remembering much easier.
Untitled #148

If you are dorming:

  • Towels
  • Rug
  • Bed Set
Bed Set, Towels, and Rugs
  • Decor
  • Laundry Detergent & Laundry Basket
  • Safe Box+Key or Lock
  • Mini-Fridge, Microwave, and/or coffee maker: Sometimes you can talk to your roommate and see if they could bring one item and you the other.
Mini Fridge


  • Extension cords + Chargers for all your electronics


  • Personal Hygiene Items
  • Any special medication: Better safe than sorry

I hope my list helped you and that it opened your eyes to some of the many items out there.  I left the links underneath just in case you love one of the items shown and its an easy check out for you! If you would like to see some other items or want me to find any items for you, just let me know in the comments below.


What I learned in My First 2 Years of College


I’ve decided to do a different kind of post today.  As I was walking/ wobbling down Madison Avenue today in my drenched flats, I was thinking about everything I learned in my first 2 years of university.  It’s been a whirlwind and I honestly can’t believe that when September arrives, I will be a junior at Montclair State University.  I am slowly finding myself but I know I am nowhere near knowing who I am and it’s ok, I will be sure of who I am in the next few years.

I switched my major and minor a few times.  I had enrolled as a Biology major to please my parents and I had thought I wanted to be a Physical Therapist. I stink at Mathematics and Chemistry, I did love Biology, but all those math classes and labs were going to be the death of me.  I switched right before school began to an English Major.  I’ve always been an avid reader and writer, but after getting terrible grades on my papers, thanks to a certain professor, my confidence was thrown out a window.  I finally decided to take a plunge and take an artistic route.  I’ve never been artistic but I was a shopaholic and could appreciate clothing.  I became a Fashion Studies Major.  I then added on a Communications Minor and a year later, I added on a Makeup Artistry Certification.

It’s okay to not know what you want to do right away.  Go into college undecided and take a few courses.  You will soon realize what you love or hate and it will be much easier to decide what you want to make you major.  Another great way, is to talk to your friends or advisor.
You should try to make friends.  It has been difficult for me to make friends as a commuter.  I go to school and then head home.  I do not have my own car yet as I do not have the funds, so I am often picked up by my father.  I wish I could be able to take a bus but since my school is in the middle of nowhere, it would take 3 buses and 5 hours. That’s like me going to another state!  I have made only a few good friends and sadly, one of them has graduated on.  I do plan on keeping in contact but I feel like I am all work and no play.  Try to balance your work, school, and social life.  It may be difficult but it will make everything much more enjoyable.

A great way to make friends is joining a club or organization.  If you don’t want to join a club or organization, then you could try talking to some people in your courses. I can say I don’t have many friends, but all you need is 1 or 2 really good ones!

Multi-tasking.  It’s a life saver.  If I didn’t multi-task, I would get nothing done.  Some might argue that multi-tasking stops you from focusing but I find that it gets everything done.  It’s also great to know how to efficiently prioritize your tasks.  Write them out and do them in the order you think will be best.  This is a great thing to know for future internships or careers.

Responsibility.  I can honestly say that I’ve become much more independent in my life.  As an only child, I’ve always had overprotective parents.  They’ve loosened their reigns a little bit and as a result I have been able to make my own choices.  I’m on internship #3, have a part-time job at Gap, and am a Social Media Director/Writer at Her Campus Montclair.  I’ve been able to work hard and I know they are proud.  I can honestly say I am proud of myself too!

College is what you make of it.  It isn’t all about the classes but it’s about a fair balance of studying, working, socializing, and relaxing.  I will be really sad when I graduate but I do not plan to let my studies stop there. I’ve decided a few months ago that I will get my GPA high enough to get into graduate school for Marketing, PR, or Communications.

If any of you have questions about university or any more questions about my experiences, feel free to comment below.  I would love to offer you my opinion and advice!
